Archer was a character in my Shadowrun campaign I ran based in St. Louis. The character was originally constructed by one of my players using the rules in Shadowrun, 3rd Edition. I'm re-creating the PC using Shadows of Fate to provide an example of how the characters will be crossing over.
Archer, Male Human Face
Archer is a Face / Hired Gun currently employed by Solomon Greene.
High Concept: Human Face and Social Expert
Trouble: My former trainer is now my enemy
Background: I was an Angel ( a private company of hitmen and hired killers. Ties into the Trouble listed above. Archer's former Mentor and Handler, Gabriel, did not part with Archer on good terms)
Adult Life: Corporate Citizen fallen into a life of crime
1st Shadowrun: You do not fuck with Mr. Greene.
2nd Shadowrun: I keep my word, no matter the cost
Great (+4): Etiquette
Good (+3): Notice, Deceive
Fair (+2): Shoot, Will, Contacts
Average (+1): Lifestyle, Fight, Pilot, Intimidate
Stunts and Extras
Skillwires - Archer can select two additional skills at Average. These skills may be changed at any time by spending a Fate Point.
Smartlink - You may use Shoot to Create an Advantage called Target Lock. You gain a number of Free Invokes equal to your Shifts on the roll. You may share this Advantage and your free Invokes with any who also has a Smartlink or Image Link
Kinesthetic Mastery - Archer has both incredible skill and specialized augmentations that allow him to notice body language and auditory queues when dealing with another person. He may use his Etiquette to resist mental attacks and use of the Deceive skill and may use his Etiquette skill to Create an Advantage against anyone he interacts with socially.
Bone Lacing - Archer's skeleton has been treated and is laced with titanium. He has an extra Mild Consequence and once per conflict, he can spend a Fate point and "stage down" a consequence - from Severe to Moderate, Moderate to Mild and a Mild consequence can be ignored.
I am never lost - Archer has mapsofts constantly running in his headware and can display a map of any area at will in his field of vision. These mapsofts are far more detailed than the standard 'softs most people use. As such, he's never lost and may spend a Fate point to declare an Aspect that affects the scene or location he is currently in ("Quick, follow me down the alley! There's a Backdoor to a Warehouse this way!")
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