Wednesday, February 11, 2015

History of New Orleans Part 3, 2029-2056

This brings the Big Easy up to the year my campaign begins, so this will be the last part of my quick and dirty overview of the history of New Orleans.
As always, there's a lot to say and I have both limited time and staff. We're going to be super brief in this episode, as a lot occurred that involved the Confederated States of America but not so much that affected New Orleans directly.
If, by chance, there's a part of the history you'd like me to drill down deeper into, please let me know in the comments and I can go back and give a little deeper perspective on any year or event. Given endless time, I'd love to detail the personalities, movers and shakers behind the scenes but for now, we're all about the big picture.
When last we left Our Fair City, it was churning out data, plans and material for Ares Apollo Program (To Infinity, and Beyond!!) had become a new hotbed for Simsense recording boosted by Combat Biking and was busy alternatively persecuting its metahuman minority and giving them hope, then dashing it again.
In 2029, the last of the Old World passed away when the Crash happened. New Orleans was hit hard, as it had become something of an internet hub. Ares Apollo station was infected by the Crash Virus and suffered catastrophic failure, killing everyone on board. A HSTC jet taking off from Louie Armstrong International airport also had a catastrophic failure due to the virus and slammed into the Esplanade mall, killing hundreds and reducing the two story structure to a burned out vacant and abandoned shell loved by ne'er do wells to this very day.
In the 2030's, the EuroWars kicked into high gear and the local economy, still smarting as the new Matrix was built, found another source of profit: weapons! The Caribbean League was still newly formed and was busy sorting out who was leading what by killing everyone who said otherwise, which meant guns. Suddenly everyone in Europe and some parts of the Middle East also started killing each other. Local corp Lyco systems and Universal Omnitech are the leaders in the field and both got a big kick in the pants in these years. There was some nasty Shadow work between the two for a bit in these early years.
In 2033, Big Daddy Nick, Nicholas Aurelius, father of Big Papa Ares, passed on to the great beyond. Ol' Nick was an old-school businessman who had, intentionally or unintentionally, done a lot for the Crescent City. His idea of using the entire rebuild of a badly damaged city as one giant PR move had paid quite the dividends over the years. However, his son Leonard was never quite the man his father was. He had taken over the helm of Ares back in 2023 and was slowly pulling out of the area when the Crash hit.
I know I just told you Leonard wasn't the man his dad was, but at least he kept the company afloat and rebuilding in the aftermath. However, when Ares restructured itself, it had willingly let its subsidiaries in the City and elsewhere go. You can call it timid, you can call it smart, but the point is the days of New Orleans being Ares-land were over.
After Ares up and left, we still had local players, but most of the corporate attention became focused on Atlanta and its rebuilt infrastructure and location. This corporate attention came to a head in 2034 when the CAS succeeded from the newly formed UCAS. New Orleans put a bid in to become the capitol, but decadence, profit and ghosts can't compete with megacorporate money.
However, a new nation needs new troops and new troops means weapons and that means money. New nations also need oil and biochemicals and medical supplies, all of which New Orleans was set up to supply. The Port of New Orleans quickly became the busy port in the CAS, sitting as it does right on the Gulf of Aztlan (locals still call it the Gulf of Mexico. They also still call themselves Americans. Gotta love brand loyalty). Given its position in a brand-spanking new nation, New Orleans began to really boom, even absent big corporate interests.
Aztlan and Texas had a series of scraps in the 2030's as well. Texas first seceded with the CAS, then when the CAS refused to help them fight Aztlan, they seceded from the CAS, then when the Azzies kicked their hoops, they joined right back up. Sharing a border with Texas (both land and sea) opened up some wonderful trade opportunities (legal and illegal).
In 2036, the CAS held elections for the first time, both nationally and locally. Anyone hopeful that the old New Orleans way of doing things would change quickly realized how wrong they were when a startling 96% of elected officials retained their seats. Some things never change, but that stability is good for business.
In 2036, a fringe group of local Shamans calling itself the Green Scale Lodge began a campaign of terror against megacorporate interests that were befouling the bayous and the delta along with the Gulf. Their actions lead to several heavily damaged oil derricks being abandoned and a severe drop of levels of pollution in some portions of the local wetland. People are still afraid of pristine swampland near the city as the Lodge and its followers aren't exactly friendly and the cleaner the land, the meaner the things that live in it, both people and otherwise. Of course, the uglier the land, the more likely you are to run into crazy toxic shamans, so it's a loose loose proposition to leave the city.
Of course, New Orleans is neck deep in voodoo and, though the numbers are hard to come by, seems to lead at least the CAS if not all of North America in the body trade, so it's also dangerous to stay on the concrete.
Speaking of the body trade, sometime in the 2030s or 2040s (exact dates are impossible to pin down for these things) a group calling itself Rougarou started taking over the human trafficking trade. Think of them as a little local version of Tamanous and you'll have a good idea. Please don't confuse them with the Loop Garou, a local manifestation of HMHVV that tends to infect Trolls. One wants to sell your meat to the highest bidder, the other just wants to eat you.
Since we're talking crime, La Dame Du Morte, Donna Miriam Kozlowski, came to power in the local Mafia at this time. She took over after her mother died. Miriam's rule has reinvigorated the Mafia and led to them reclaiming some business from the other, smaller local gangs like the Zobop Krews. Luckily, everyone involved seems to realize that making money is more important that killing each other and her reign has been fairly stable so far. Don't be fooled, though. She came by her nickname, the Lady of Death, honestly. Cross her and she'll write your name in the dead-book faster than you can blink.
In 2037, commercial Simsense came on the scene and the Big Easy was ready for it. Sure, Nashville made some noise but the years of experience dealing with Combat Biking and the infrastructure still in place made New Orleans such an attractive location for Simsense production that Nashville never had much of a shot. Today, if you want to deal with the music biz in the CAS you head to Nashville, you want to deal with the Simsense you head to New Orleans.
This further strengthened New Orleans identity as a party town and when the first Super Bowl since 2030 was held in 2038, New Orleans won the rights and the first live trideo broacast with simsense feeds from Seretech-Tulane Stadium.
Racial tensions finally erupted around the world in 2039 in the Nights of Rage. Between February 7th and 10th, riots and violence breaks out across the globe. Parts of Atlanta, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Mobile, New Orleans and several other cities burn. In New Orleans, metahumans either lived on the abandoned outskirts of the city or in debased conditions inside of it. Years of prejudice, unfair treatment, resentment and hate all broke loose. By this time, the New Orleans Police was fully incorporated and private, having been rechristened the New Orleans Police Service, Inc. and as such they didn't even attempt to stock kid gloves anymore. The police response was incredibly violent. In the first hours of the conflict, police force was used to keep protesters out of the Central Business District and French Quarter, but after the initial standoff, police forces forced the protesters into an abandoned theme park on the outside of town. Somehow, a fire started and several hundred metahumans, mainly Orks, died in the fire. Today, the locals call it "Funland" and while it's still a hangout for the desperate, spirits that remember the night of rage make sure no humans step foot inside.
Later that same year, CAS Senate hearings find shocking evidence of metahumans living in conditions equivalent to slavery. This Senate report, the Findings of the Ethical Committee on the Treatment of (Meta)Humans, is a watershed moment for racial equality. Moving forward from this point, treatment of Metahumans is given great attention and generally improves. On the other hand, it forces the racists out of hiding and some of them form policlubs or local Humanist chapters, rather than give up their old ways. This change in attitude happens very quickly, thanks to heavy pressure from the Native American Nations and their trade sanctions that threatened to cripple parts of the CAS's economy. This embargo means the 2040 World Combat Biker Championship is cancelled, the only Championship to never happen.
Other political repercussions include the formation of the Democratic Reform Party, which broke away from the Southern Democratic Party in response to their lack of action during the Nights of Rage. However, the Southern Conservatives gain control of the Senate in that year's elections, but newly elected CAS President Joseph Alexander and his new Veep, Jeanette Mallory, appoint several metahumans to key cabinet positions in their new administration. This move finally convinces the NAN to lift sanctions and the new metahuman voice in power goes a long way to changing how metahumans are viewed and treated in the CAS.
A local genetech company called New Horizons and its CEO, Paul Louberge, are placed under investigation for genetic experiments on metahuman children. Louberge escapes justice for his atrocities when he commits suicide after the results of the investigation are leaked to local media before he can take the stand before the Senate. Parts of New Horizons and its unethical research are gobbled up by other genetech corps in the area like Shiawase, Universal Omnitech and Seretech, but of course they would never dream of profiting from such awful research, right?
Later that same year, a ghost of a metahuman killed during the Nights of Rage leads the police to her murderer, the serial killer Benjamin Harvey. Harvey had been killing metas for years, but used the nights of rage to really ramp up his work. With the new focus on metahuman rights and with the police willing to work with one of his "victims" he was soon caught. This case created legal waves for years to come.
By the way, in 2042, the Roman Catholic Church finally catches up with the Church of St. Jude and welcomes women into the priesthood.
In 2048, Aztlan attempts to nationalize all foreign companies operating in its borders. The Corporate Court strikes back with Operation Reciprocity. The fallout sees the Panama canal turned into the Pan-Corporate Zone, under control of seven different Megas, Aztlan not included. New Orleans position near the newly stabilized canal cements its place as the busiest port in the CAS.
Racial tensions again rocked the CAS in 2050, when thousands marched in Atlanta, demanding increased awareness of metahuman rights. Citizens of New Orleans begin to feel slightly better about coming in second for the race to be the new capitol of the CAS.
In 2052, Biotech hit the market and New Orleans, long a center of Biotech research, gains national attention. Once again, the money flows in.
In August of 2053, Hurricane Elthbert was all set to come and ruin everyone's day, but suddenly turned and raced up the eastern seaboard to savage New York. The Green Scale Lodge is the first to claim responsibility, followed by about a dozen other groups. No proof is ever submitted. People who remember Katrina back in 2005 become assured at the very least that God has a sense of humour.

History of New Orleans, Part 2, 2010-2028

Bonjour, mon amis.
When last we spoke, we were talking about how New Orleans survived the twin disasters of 2005, got bought by Ares and in the course of those 5 years, put itself in a position to become a corporate boom town by 2010, a truly remarkable feat.
Now we're going to speed up a bit. There's a lot we can say about this period of history but for the sake of brevity, we'll keep to the most significant events that affected the New Orleans Sprawl during this tumultuous time in history. You want clean and organized, go buy Phillipe Johns' "A History of the Crescent: 100 years of change, 1950-2050" and wade through all 1200 pages.
Leading the charge of the doom and gloom that heralded the Awakening is VITAS. A full 25% of the world's population died during the 2 years of the plague including 87.5 million inside the United States and a disproportionate number of those came from the good ol' state of Louisiana. The high humidity and swamps and the polluted waters of such let the disease run wild among the local population.
It's hard to overstate the effect VITAS had on the world. New Orleans had already become a very divided city, and that division became startlingly apparent during the course of the disease. The Central Business District and the French Quarter were fully rebuilt, as were important industrial areas around the docks. However, the proposed rebuilds of the poorer sections of town such as Wards 4 and 9 had stalled when faced with race-related tensions of trying to remove returning former residents and the use of eminent domain.
That means there were two New Orleans at this point - a rich corporate center, surrounded by tons of poverty. When VITAS hit, it tore through the squatting poor population who had no sanitary services, no water or electricity or doctors. When Mexico's government collapsed in January of 2011 sending a flood of refugees north of the border, the situation amongst the poor became even more desperate.
The Awakening and the mana surge played havoc with nuclear reactors around the world and, sure enough, the Riverbend Nuclear Generating Station had an Unexplained Supercriticallity Incident, the same kind of "incident" happening in fission reactors around the world that caused them to do very unusual things, like explode rather than meltdown. A runaway reaction melted the fuel rods and core, releasing a large amount of hydrogen, when then exploded and resulted in radioactive fallout that heavily damaged the Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico. The local fishing industry has never recovered.
With oil spills and radioactive fallout and VITAS and piles of corpses burning in the night, you can imagine how the Awakening and Unexplained Genetic Expression was greeted down South. Years of pockets of Protestant Fundamentalism followed by the Pope's declaration against metahumans led to revitalization of rampant racism, the ghost of which has always sadly lingered in the South.
It's not one of the happier talking points, but the foundation of the organization we know as the Humanis Policlub had it roots here, wrapped in the swaddling clothes of the Klansmen.
It wasn't racism against metahumans either as the ongoing situation between the US Government and the Sovereign American Indian Movement was in full gear in these years. Relocation camps and Re-education centers sprang up in the area as they did elsewhere in the country following Jarman's Executive Order 17-321.
Things weren't all doom and gloom for the Big Easy. There's an endless sense of world-weary optimism that seems to linger here, refusing to give up hope no matter how badly things go. That sense of hope got a kick in the hoop when Big Daddy Ares bought NASA on July 28th of 2016.
Since New Orleans was practically an Ares Subsidiary itself by this point, the city became the hub for a lot of technical work that went into the new Project Highrise, Ares' plan to build a space station, their first step towards moon colonization. The next three years saw the creation of the Silicon Bayou as tech companies sprang up seemingly overnight, only to each other and then be eaten by Ares as they tackled the problems of building a privately owned station from scratch. Money and tech-related industry and personnel moved into the area. Though 3M would beat Ares into space by two years with the very first privately owned space station known as Halo, Ares' Apollo Station was a much bolder, larger design. The station came online on April 12, 2019. The infrastructure and business climate built during these years would endure going forward and mark New Orleans not only as a tourist destination but a serious contender as one of the major tech centers on the planet. Once the station was functional, Ares kicked into high gear, formally re-launching Project Apollo, intending to put men and women on the moon and Mars.
While business and industry was changing, so was the face of the city. We mentioned earlier how Humanis got a foothold in the racial clubs already in existence around the area, but let's talk about the other side of the coin.
In September of 2013, a brave group of Irish Catholic Bishops stood against the Church in the wake of John Paul IV's death and declared themselves the Church of Ireland, no longer part of the Roman Catholic Faith. This first protest led to similar actions across the world and in Louisiana, Sister Lucille Bellamy led a delegation of nuns, priests and lay people who broke away from the Church and formed their own, the Church of St. Jude.
Mother Bellamy claimed she was visited in by Saint Frances Cabrini, who told Bellamy of her own struggles in similar situations and encouraged her to follow her heart, no matter how impossible the task may seem. Since these early days, the Church has a large following and shares space in the city with other Catholic churches following the Vatican, mostly without incident.
The Church of St. Jude has a heavy metahuman presence as Bellamy's first move was to deny the Vatican's position and welcome all who would seek shelter with the church. Other things left behind by the church were the beliefs against women in the ministry, celibacy amongst the priesthood and homosexuality. Mother Bellamy would go on to marry her long term partner, Sister Teresa and become one of the few beacons of hope to the population of the Big Easy. Remember this when you run the Shadows here, friends - being invited to Church isn't just a social function, it's a way of determining what kind of person you may be.
Goblinzation and VITAS II both hit in the 2020's. As you can imagine, the Church of St. Jude was on the forefront of both incidents. Racism and hatred reached a fever pitch. Some of the metahuman population relocated to the Dominican Republic after President Goblinized into an Ork and opened the borders to all metahumans. Those who stayed were often pushed to the outskirts of the city.
Race riots rocked the world in the 2020's and New Orleans was no exception, as the infamous Five Ward Fire consumed parts of Lakeview, Gentilly and the 9th Ward. This was both a blessing and a curse as the destroyed areas were rebuilt and the dissidents, disaffected and poor were pushed ever farther outside the bounds of the city into shantytowns that soon took over what had once been subdivisions of the city proper. This decade is when New Orleans began to fully sprawl, gobbling up communities and creating new ones as it expanded and devoured pieces of itself.
Combat Biking started back in 2013, just north of Baton Rouge. By 2026, it had become a major, recognized sport and while the filming was done in Baton Rouge, the parties were held in New Orleans. When the world was introduced to Simsense in 2018, the tech and infrastructure from the Apollo Program allowed the Sillicon Bayou to easily convert to digital simsense editing and distribution. New Orleans became a cultural capitol as well, as the city became a backdrop for the new sim industry.
After the horror of VITAS, The Awakening, Nuclear Disaster and racial riots, New Orleans was still a beacon of hope, a tech center, up and coming competitor to Hollywood, responsible for helping create a private space station and working on sending people to the moon and mars. Not bad, lassiez le bon temps roule, eh? Too bad the world was headed straight for a Crash.

History of New Orleans, Part 1, 2005-2010

Part 1 of my 3-part revision of New Orleans history in Shadowrun!

One thing no one could have predicted when trying to write the future timeline of the Shadowrun setting was the way natural disasters would affect the people and places so described - and it's almost impossible to talk about New Orleans today without mentioning one in particular: Hurricane Katrina. If you look at the Shadowrun timeline for 2005, you'll also see another fictional national disaster took place in 2005 - the New York City Earthquake.
That quake was so damaging it caused both the UN and the Stock Market to relocate - the UN went to Geneva and the Markets headed to Boston. That quake also happened just 11 days before Katrina made landfall and devastated parts of the Gulf Coast, including New Orleans. Here's were my fiction begins.
The New York Quake was so damaging it would take a total of 40 years to rebuild. The East Coast, long an important wealthy financial center, received far more attention and assistance in the wake of these natural disasters than the South did. In addition, the relief effort in New York was far more coordinated than the FEMA relief that showed up in New Orleans.
The City would continue to suffer under what some would see as criminal neglect from the federal government of the United States for years. In fact, the anger over the disparity in response between the two cities would become a major factor in the call for secession that would eventually lead to the formation of the Confederated American States in 2034, 9 years before the last repairs of New York were completed and yet in that time, New Orleans was nearly chosen as the capitol of the new CAS.
How did a city so heavily damaged, neglected by the federal government, nearly become the capitol of a new nation years before the full power of the government was able to fix New York?
Corporate Dollars.
New Orleans has a lot going for it. It's one of the most important ports in the country, has a massive tourism industry and access to natural resources like oil and natural gas. The city was also wide open, as 80% of it had been heavily flooded and was in need of being completely rebuilt. It was ready for someone with a vision, someone capable of seizing the present and making use of what many considered to be a disaster zone. That man was "Old Nick" Aureliusthe founder of Ares Macrocorporation, which officially incorporated in 2003 in the wake of the Shiawase decision in 1997. Ares was already two years into the rebuild of Old Detroit and was reaping the considerable PR and profits that came with rebuilding an American Icon. Ares had the people, the know how and the money. They needed one more thing.
That thing was the connections, and they found him in Ray Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans.
A lot of words have been written about what exactly was offered and given between the two but by September 2005, Ares had wide-reaching authority to completely rebuild the city. Nagin agreed to offer extraterritoriality to the corporation on whatever land they were able to rebuild and allowed them to completely ignore zoning restrictions and other forms of bureaucratic red tape. Although Nagin has always said the results justified the unethical and illegal dealings that allowed them, the courts differed when he was finally charged with wire fraud, bribery and money laundering in the wake of lawsuits filed against both his office and Ares in the coming years against the corporate use of eminent domain against citizens.
Ares wasted no time in its rebuild. They focused on restoring utilities first and the docks and the airport. United Oil, which had also recently incorporated, struck lucrative partnerships with Ares and both companies quickly formed a monopoly on utilities in Louisiana that would last until secession and a wave of nationalist pride forced Ares to take a back seat following the formation of the Confederated American States in 2034.
In fact, both companies made a staggering amount of profit in 2009, when the Resource Rush began. This influx of major profit along with a complete rebuild of practically the entire city and infrastructure helped set up New Orleans a new beacon of wealth, culture and entrepreneurship heading into a new decade, right into the teeth of the Awakening.
Ares replanned the entirety of New Orleans. They hired Frederic Schwartz as the lead architect. Behind closed doors, they told Schwartz what was needed - an entirely new city that paid homage to the best parts of the idea of what New Orleans was, while removing the parts of the city no longer desirable. It is no wonder that Schwartz's work began on the grounds of what had been public housing projects, the 4th Ward. Schwartz was a talker and always framed his projects as a way to strengthen a community and inspire social justice:
The planning of cities in the face of disaster (natural and political) must reach beyond the band-aid of short-term recovery. Disaster offers a unique opportunity to rethink the planning and politics of our metro-regional areas -- it is a chance to redefine our cities and to reassert values of environmental care and social justice, of community building and especially of helping the poor with programs for quality, affordable, and sustainable housing.
From 2005 to 2010, the entire skyline of the city changed as old neighourhoods vanished and new, sleek modern buildings sprang up to replace them. Many of New Orleans displaced residents returned to a city that no longer offered places they could afford and found ways to tell them they were no longer wanted. New Orleans was becoming a playground for the rich and had no patience for the unsightly poor. However, no amount of corporate planning could take into account the depth at which New Orleans residents loved their city and their absolute refusal to play nice and move on. The city began to swell as those who wanted to live but could not afford the new buildings being constructed began to live and squat in those parts of the city still condemned.
New Orleans looked like a shining herald of a New Age, but no one yet new how badly things were about to turn.